We were thrilled to be featured this week in the Province newspaper in print, and in the Vancouver Sun online.

Mattress Recycling in the Province Newspaper.
The article discusses some of the challenges we’ve faced in our 16 years in the North American mattress recycling industry, as well as the successes we’ve built on since we established our flagship plant in Hope in 2018. It also sums up what the mattress materials are currently recycled into.
We proudly divert millions of pounds of waste each year from our local landfills. Roughly 85-95% of any mattress or item of household furniture can be recycled, depending on what materials it is made from. Foam, steel, and quilt toppers are removed and diverted into remanufacturing streams. With permission from select clients, items in good working order are donated to local charities and community organizations. We also produce alternative fuel from the residual waste that replaces coal and natural gas in the cement-manufacturing industry.
But that’s not all. We systematically look for ways to improve what we do, including reinvesting in technology, seeking out new markets for our materials, and reducing waste.
You can read the full article here:
The Home Front: Turning mattresses into valuable resources
And watch this space for updates if you are passionate about the circular economy, and zero waste and recycling!